How to Release Tension in the Shoulders and Neck

Have you ever decided to treat yourself to a soothing, relaxing, tranquil massage only to have the person press on the tension in your shoulders and you gasp in pain! Your shoulders feel like there are marbles imbedded under your skin, or your back is the new headline book written in braille. You think things like what the heck!, Where did that tension come from? You too? Phew! I thought I was all alone here.


Truth is, I believe that everyone has stress or “suffers” in areas that can be seen or invisible. It is completely normal but it comes down to the way you handle it or ignore it.

It is uncomfortable to break the social norms of “work until you drop” or “I’ll sleep when i’m dead” mentality to scheduling a “rest day”, “food prep day” or “self care Sunday”. Finally, society is sloowly seeing that stress, lack of nutrition and self care takes a toll on our bodies and it is always best to manage it than to pretend it isn’t there.

I have been through this. I have worked on my years, um decades, of stress and how it affected my body. You see, I put pressure on myself to prove to the world “I was good enough”, so I never slowed down. My body had to scream at me to finally get the help I needed.

Let’s dive in so I can show you what I did.

Are you ignoring the tension in your shoulders and neck?

Humans are wired to survive and we work harder to avoid pain than we do to have pleasure. We are made to recognise and respond when our life is in danger. It is our automonic nervous system. Everything we think, do and eat affects this system. When the nervous system thinks we are in “danger” or under “threat” the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) or the “fight or flight” system kicks in gear and releases stress hormones called cortisol and adrenalin.

tension in the shoulders

We release stress hormones because of our perception of pressure, urgency, and our need for caffeine. If we keep this going day after day we start to feel aches and pains. This is the road towards burnout, also known as adrenal fatigue.

We also tend to sit improperly for hours with rounded shoulders looking at our phones, working on a computer, or even driving in the car. Combine this poor posture with stress and lack of “care“ and then you have… you guessed it, a recipe resulting in tension of your shoulders and neck, leading to headaches, shoulder pain and trouble sleeping.

What can you do about this tension in your shoulders and neck?


Massages are great and improve those tense area as well encourage blood flow but not everyone has the time or money to have a massage every week. A knowledgable osteopath is also great. I’m you the tips that worked for me at home.

Deep breathing

I would start by taking a deep breath and exhaling slooowly. It is adrenaline that drives our short shallow sharp breaths. Deep belly breaths are great for telling your body that it is safe. It relaxes your stress glands faster than taking any supplement. You can do this at stop lights or you can set a timer to make sure you schedule it in your day.

You can do this deep breathing exercise by inhaling and extending your belly out, not your chest. Then exhale 2X longer than you inhaled. Aim to do this about 10 times, many times per day.

Hot pack

You can put a hot pack around your neck. Heat promotes blood flow and encourages relaxation while, stretching, promotes the muscles to lengthen and relax the knotted areas.


Stretching and strengthening encourage correct posture and mobility to your neck and shoulders.

Drop your left arm down and lean your head to the right to feel the stretch. then repeat on the other side.

Hold each stretch at least 15 seconds and work up to 30 seconds. Do as many reps as you can. Be careful not to over-stretch or to do any exercise that causes pain and of course if you are working with a therapist or doctor, ask their advice first.

Stretching the chest and shoulders

Stretching the chest and shoulders is one of the best exercises you can do for your body. In a sitting or standing position take your arms behind you, lace your fingers together, straighten your arms and try raising your hands a few inches toward the ceiling to feel a stretch.

Next bend your arm and place the forearm on a door frame or wall and gently step forward to feel the stretch in your chest. You can raise and lower the forearm to stretch different areas of the chest.

Stretch the upper back

To stretch the upper back extend your arms out front with the backs of your hands touching, lace your fingers, round your back and reaching away from your body.

I love these! Well, I mean, I love how they feel when I’m doing them. I love movement and exercise usually after I get startedI don’t love that I need to do them all the time.

Is the tension in your shoulders and neck a result from a stressful lifestyle combined with immobility?

I’ve talked about this to several clients and friends, but the reason I’m bringing it up here it to save you time and pain. You might be ignoring the pain in your shoulder like I did for 4 years. 4Years! Or ignoring the fact that you are tired by never sitting down.

So, Im here to tell you that if you don’t manage your stress, and listen to the signs it it telling you, it can lead to burnout and/or injury. Where you are emotionally, physically, or mentally over-worked and over-tired. Exhausted.

tension in the shoulders

If you feel this way, I need you to know that you are not alone. Burnout is very common in our world today as everyone seems to want things bigger, better, and faster. Also, we all make mistakes. Listening and learning what your body wants is important. I hope you don’t wait as long as I did.

I sincerely hope this post has given you some tools, and understanding, to help improve your overall health, stress and tension.

Do you have tension?

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