I believe that women are juggling too much at once and we need a priority check. We are trying to prove our value and worth to the world and this is leading us to burnout. We end up feeling exhausted, moody, anxious, bloated, brain fog, headaches, low sex drive, and poor quality sleep. We are given one body and we need to be kind to her.
The truth is that our bodies are incredible, miraculous beings. That show us what we need if we can decipher the messages.
I believe being a woman is a beautiful gift, however we can often lose sight of it all. Women want to love what they see in the mirror, the body and the person. We desire a balanced life of productivity without sacrificing ourselves in the process.
I believe that we are already valuable and worthy of love. We are enough. When we practice taking care of who we are with compassion, self acceptance, and self-care, it shows on the outside. We are happier, we digest better, we sleep better, and have more energy. Life is too short. It has taken me years to enjoy life and quit surviving it.
What I’m all about:
More about Shari
I am wife to my psychiatrist husband, mother to my 5 children,RHN, and world traveller.
I understand the struggles of a mom trying to do and be everything, desperate to fill the inadequacy that leads to burnout. My passion is to help women where I once was.
I graduated in 2018 as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Since then I have been helping clients, mastering dairy free and gluten free meals, and lifting weights.
I ‘m a mom of 5 children, living on a farm, who learned to truly love and care for myself and now I am able to give to others.
I believe that we are spending too much time being tired, wired, bloated and anxious. Even though being a mom is hard and busy, we can remain calm. We can take action with a custom plan that supports us where we are at.
I believe that when we are done feeling sad, pushing ourselves, and done trying it on my own! That is when we can make real lasting change. We can get clear on what we want with a peaceful, back on track plan to identify our individual needs.
I accepted that my worth was inherent and not based on performance. I learned to align my feelings with that reality and self-compassion.